Dear Parent/Guardian,
Congratulations! Your student has successfully been tested and selected to play
Percussion in the Five Forks Middle School Band Program! This letter has been sent home with
your student to inform you of their decision to join our Band Family, what this decision means,
and the supplies needed for your student.
By joining the FFMS Band Program, your student has decided to commit to our year-
long class. Band meets as a connection during the school day, and there are limited rehearsals
and concerts that take place outside of school. Joining the Band Program also means that there is
a financial commitment involved. Each student must have the following supplies:
● Sticks, mallets, and practice pad in good repair (Please review the Recommended Brands
Handout prior to rent or purchase of an instrument.)
○ For Percussion, they need all materials outlined in the Percussion Supplies Packet
● Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician, for student’s instrument – Percussion
● Black 1-inch binder (included in Band Dues)
● Pencils with erasers
● Jeans & closed toed shoes
Lastly, the remaining financial responsibilities include: a $25 Band Fee and a $10 for their Band
T-Shirt (total of $35 due August 30th). The Band Fee is to help cover the cost of instructors
brought in for sectional rehearsals, music repertoire, and consumable supplies that are used
within our Band Room. Please fill out the QR Code in our emailed Bronco Band Newsletter to
choose your student’s correct size.
Congratulations again on your student’s musical journey and I am looking forward to
teaching them! Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached by email at .
Parental Approval
Please sign, cut of this bottom section, and have your student return it to Mrs. Romo by Friday,
August 11th. By signing below, you (parent/guardian) are acknowledging your student’s year-long
commitment to join the FFMS Band Program and the financial obligations involved.
Student Name: _____________________________ Instrument:_____________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date:_____________________________