7th Grade Band Course Information

“Building a Tradition of Excellence”

Course Description: Seventh Grade Band is an intermediate performance class. The purpose of the 7th Grade Band is to continue the development of more advanced performance skills and the reinforcement of fundamentals learned in beginning band. Progress is measured by rehearsal competency, playing opportunities, and ALL performances and rehearsals. Students are expected to attend all after school rehearsals and performances. Dates and times for after school rehearsals will be communicated closer to time to each performance in class and on our eClass portal.

ALL performances and after school rehearsals are a required part of the curriculum and count as part of the student’s grade. Students need all materials (instrument, sticks, mallets, pencils, books, music, etc.) each day, and full credit for class participation cannot be awarded unless all materials are available in class. Please refer to the band activity calendar for dates and times of concerts and rehearsals. Though not a requirement, members of the 7th Grade Band are encouraged to participate in Solo and Ensemble Evaluation, All-State and District Band Auditions and other extra-musical activities. 7th Grade Band students are required to participate in one (1) basketball game for Basketball Pep Band. This is also the first opportunity to audition for the FFMS Honor Band (August 11 @ 8:15 AM) and to join the Jazz Band (Spring).

Band Dues are $40 and include:
● Band Polo (required for uniform)
● Band Carabiner
● Helping our Band Program with supplies, bringing in instructors, and buying new music!

Materials and Equipment Required:
● Pencils
● Complete Formal Band Uniform (Band Polo, Black Dress Pants, Solid Black Shoes)
● Metronome / Metronome app
● Instrument in good repair
● Woodwinds – Reeds (size 2.5/3 or medium), reed cases, cork grease, and swabs
● Brass – Valve oil, slide grease, and cleaning cloth (Students playing school instruments must provide
their own mouthpiece and valve oil)
● Percussion – Concert snare SD1 sticks; medium/general purpose, felt-head timpani mallets; hard nylon
or lexan bell/xylophone mallets, medium yarn mallets, and a stick bag

Grading Breakdown: Band has two levels of curriculum: a class / group curriculum and an individual
curriculum. The group curriculum concerns rehearsal competency and the individual curriculum consists of individual performance. Rehearsal Competency is defined as having all materials every day and participating with a positive and cooperative attitude. Grade breakdown is as follows:

Classroom – Rehearsal Competency Instrument and Accessories, Book, Music/Handouts, Individual pass offs, participation – 40%
Summative – Playing Tests, Concert Performances (ex. Exercises from book, sections from music, etc.), any written assignments given during class – 50%
Final – Performances and Rehearsals – 10%

7th Grade Dates to Remember
Required Activities:

+October 30 Lights Out Concert | Report: 6:30 PM | Perform: 7 PM | FFMS Cafeteria
+December 12 Winter Concert | Stay After | Perform: 5:30 PM | FFMS Cafeteria
+February 26 Pre-LGPE Concert | Stay After | Perform: 5:30 PM | FFMS Cafeteria
+March Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) | TBA
+May 14 Spring Concert | Report: 6:30 PM | Perform: 7 PM | Bus Lanes
+Required part of Grade

Optional Activities:

September 19All-State/District Band Fees DueInterested Students
December 2All-State District Band AuditionsPaid Participants
January 6 (13)All-State Final AuditionsSelected Students
January 24Solo and Ensemble fees dueInterested Students
February 9-10District Honor Band EventSelected Students
March 1-3All-State Band EventSelected Students
April 27Solo and Ensemble EvaluationPaid Participants

GCPS Band Policies
Band activities require attendance at ALL scheduled rehearsals. In order to better prepare for performance, some before-school and/or after-school rehearsals may be scheduled. These groups represent Five Forks Middle School at public performances, and it is imperative that we are able to put forth a “world-class” product. All bands will perform in at least two concerts per year, as outlined in the GCPS Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS).

*Please note MOST classes will have rehearsals before or after school. Rehearsals will be scheduled during the school year and announced in class and on social media (eClass page). Every student is required to attend these rehearsals as part of their grade. This is in accordance with GCPS Grading policies – “required out-of-class activities as stipulated by the teacher will determine a portion of the student’s grade”.

2023-24 Five Forks Middle School Band Donation List:

Paper Towels
Face Tissue / Kleenex
Hand Sanitizer
Dry Erase Markers
Pre-sharpened Pencils
Mechanical Pencils
Colored Printer Paper
Candy (Jolly Ranchers,
AA Batteries

Thank you so much for your support of our FFMS Band Program!!